C programming techniques and Neovim-specific guidance


sizeof(<var>) vs sizeof(<type>)

something you have to be really careful about: the difference between arrays and pointers [...] be judicious: if the variable is simple (int, long, ...), use sizeof(variable), if the variable is complex (struct, pointer-to-pointer, ...), use sizeof(the_actual_type).


It is undefined behavior to access a pointer that was assigned in an inner scope.

Struct organization


TODO: link to discussion of legacy Vim struct hack

Unsigned or signed? Integer overflow/underflow

There are a few very important things to keep in mind while choosing between signed and unsigned integral types:

Firstly, unsigned overflow is defined, while signed overflow is not. This is an unfortunate historical oversight stemming from a time where it wasn't sure what representation a signed integer would have. The C standard decided that it shouldn't/couldn't specify what would happen when a signed integer overflows, because each representation would have different behaviour. In modern times, signed integers are always represented in two's complement form, which has many advantages.

An interesting thing to note is that it is possible to force gcc and clang to view signed overflow as defined (wraparound, like unsigned), by passing the -fwrapv flag. This is, unfortunately, non-standard.

What does this mean, defined vs. undefined? If an unsigned integer overflows, it wraps around back to zero (it's modulo addition). Yet, if a signed integer overflows, $deity only knows what will happen. More specifically: we know what would happen if a two's complement signed integer would overflow, but the compiler can do whatever it wants, because the standard says it is undefined. As a consequence, an optimizing compiler will often assume that a signed integer cannot overflow and optimize out some if-branches or comparisons. This behavior can cause loops to run forever. Note that if the conditions are not written carefully, even the well-defined wraparound overflow of unsigned integers can cause non-terminating loops, (U)INTX_MAX/MIN are your friends.

Thus it would seem that unsigned arithmetic is superior, because it has defined over- and underflow. But that's not always true. There's a good reason why many languages (like Java) don't expose unsigned types: they can cause difficult to spot errors. The most common form of under/overflow is underflow in unsigned arithmetic. Subtracting 1 from unsigned int num = 0; will make it wrap around to UINT_MAX. This is much more common than one would think. For this reason alone, it is usually much safer to use a plain int as a loop counter instead of uint32_t/size_t/... or another unsigned type. Even seasoned programmers find it difficult to avoid writing unsigned code that doesn't underflow in some cases.

Problem: correct signed code is easier to write, but you have to use casts when comparing to size_t (which happens often, as it is the return type of sizeof, strlen and many others). Casts are ugly and should be avoided if at all possible. But we cannot avoid them everywhere. Sometimes, a trade-off has to be made. See previous -Wconversion PRs for examples.


  • if there is any chance of underflow or the loop in question is small (definitely less than 2^31 items), use signed arithmetic and a guard before the loop.
  • if there is any chance of overflow, use unsigned arithmetic and possibly guards.
  • if there is a chance of both underflow and overflow, be extremely careful and paranoid (guards/asserts).

Guarded casting

Fixed-size vs. generic types

Should we use (u)intX_t and friends over char, short, int, long et al.? ...

  • size_t: ...
  • rsize_t: this type is new in the C11 standard, which is why we can't use it, but the reasoning and usage behind it are interesting. Instead of RSIZE_MAX being the actual maximum value that a variable of type rsize_t can have, it is less than that. This means that one can check if val <= RSIZE_MAX before continuing operations and have it be useful. The first useful property is: values about RSIZE_MAX are usually too large to be useful anyway. Who wants to allocate such titanic amounts of memory anyway, if rsize_t is 64-bits? Arguably it would be better to refuse to perform the operation. The second useful property is nice to make unsigned arithmetic less susceptible to the dreaded underflow problem. rsize_t val = -4 will be larger than RSIZE_MAX because it has wrapped around. Any functions that does a bounds-check on RSIZE_MAX will reject that value. This seems to be a good way to interact with unsigned code without needing to cast (rsize_t should be unsigned) and still have the safety advantages of signed arithmetic.

Tools and articles

Undefined behavior