
Many items were taken from here and here.


  • Are CI builds passing? If no, why?

  • Is the code easily understood?
  • Does the code work? Does it perform its intended function, the logic is correct, etc?
  • Does the error handling work?
  • Is memory usage acceptable, even with large inputs?

  • Is code covered by functional or unit tests?
  • Are error paths covered by functional or unit tests? All errors which are relatively easy to check must be checked: error conditions like “open() failed after stat() was successfull” or “array size greater then INT_MAX” may be ignored for being just as unlikely as uneasy to test, but otherwise having bugs in code which does error handling is way too common to be ignored.
  • For new code, are unit tests written where needed?

  • Are invalid parameter values handled where needed?
  • Can any global/static variables be replaced?
  • Are variables/functions named intuitively?
  • Can any function attributes be used?

  • Is there any redundant or duplicate code?
  • Is the code modular enough?
  • Can any of the code be replaced with library functions?
  • Do loops have a set length and correct termination conditions?
  • Can any logging or debugging code be removed?
  • Are there any unneeded assert statements?

  • Does the code conform to the style guide?
  • Optimization that makes code harder to read should only be implemented if a profiler or other tool has indicated that the routine stands to gain from optimization. These kinds of optimizations should be well-documented and code that performs the same task simply should be preserved somewhere.

  • Are return values being checked?
  • Are there any use after frees?
  • Are there any resource leaks? Memory leaks, unclosed sockets, etc.
  • Are there any null pointer dereferences?
  • Are any uninitialized variables used?
  • Are there any cases of possible arithmetic overflow?


  • Are there any superfluous comments?
  • Where needed, do comments exist and describe the intent of the code?
  • Are any comments made outdated by the new code?
  • Is any unusual behavior or edge-case handling described?
  • Are complex algorithms explained and justified?
  • Is code that depends on non-obvious behavior in external libraries documented with reference to external documentation?
  • Is the use and function of API functions documented?
  • Are data structures/typedefs explained?
  • Is there any incomplete code, e.g., code marked TODO, FIXME, or XXX?